Sunday, March 30, 2008

Change That Works!

Change seems to be that ever feared thing in life and in business. It seems like we just get the hang of something and it changes. Those who accept change quickly and even learn to see it coming in advance and be set up to flow with it will be the ones who have the greatest success.

Change is unavoidable. It is something that will happen every day of our lives and there is nothing we can do about it. There will always be those who will see change as a bad thing and stick with the old methods just because they worked. The old "if its not broken don't fix it" mentality does not work when it comes to business. The main reason people resist change is because it causes fear. The results of this change are unknown. If you are one of those people who resist change you will need to learn that change is constant and you will have to learn not to resist it if you want to be successful.

For those who can accept and even anticipate change success is easier to achieve. Be the one who looks for new and better ways to do things. Be the one to introduce the change sometimes. Change should always be viewed as a positive thing. Ask yourself, "How can this benefit me?" "How can this benefit my income?" Use the change to improve yourself and your business. Change is an opportunity to grow. Growth should occur daily as we continually learn.

Education is the best way to see change coming and be ready to be on the cutting edge. You should be learning and growing every day. If you don't have a book you are currently reading and a list of books you want to read along with an audio course or something similar that you are working on, you are not learning and growing. You are cheating yourself and your business. To be successful you should be learning something every day. You should be searching constantly for the next book or audio that will put you in line to be one of the first to support a new idea, product or concept. In the world of computers it seems that changes occur almost every minute so keeping yourself up to date on the new technology is beneficial to your growth as well.

Even when a change does not work out the way it was meant to, you can gain benefit from it by learning from the situation. Embrace change and see it as a positive motivator you will reap great benefits in your business and in life.

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